Google Tests Multiple Featured Snippets Under From Sources Across The Web

Google Tunnel

Google is testing a new look for thefrom sources across the web” search results feature. This one looks like the multiple features snippets look, with the perspectives design, but is titled under the “from sources across the web” search results.

None of these are really new (see here), if you look at them by themselves. But having these multiple featured snippets or perspectives under the “from sources across the web” is new. It makes me think that this is a bug, where Google is showing the wrong title for these featured snippets or perspectives.

Here is the screenshot Brodie Clark posted on X:

Google New From Sources Across The Web

Here is what I see for that query – a normal featured snippet:

Google Featured Snippet Capital Gains

I do wonder if this is a test or a bug or both?

Google is also testing it for normal featured snippets:

And this:

Forum discussion at X.

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