Google has made several changes to its indexing API quota-pricing">quota and pricing information document for clarification purposes. Google said this was to clarify “the default quota is for setting up the Indexing API, and how to request approval and quota. Also corrected a documentation error for DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerProject quota (it’s always been a 380 quota).”
The old version read:
Here is the default quota for a project. The quota may increase or decrease based on the document quality.
The new version of that line now reads:
The Indexing API provides the following default quota for initial API onboarding and testing submissions.
The old version also had:
The default per minute per project quota for all endpoints. The default value is set to 600.
Now that reads:
The default per minute per project quota for all endpoints. The default value is set to 380.
Although, Google said it was never 600, it was also 380.
These sections were also updated.
The old version:
Request more quota:
Currently, the Indexing API can only be used to crawl pages with either JobPosting or BroadcastEvent embedded in a VideoObject. To request more quota for pages with JobPosting or BroadcastEvent markup, you can fill out this form. You’ll need to know the details of your project in the Google API Console.
All use of the Indexing API is available without payment. You may need to create a billing account in order to request additional quota, but the usage of the API is still available without payment.
The new version:
Request quota and approval:
Currently, the Indexing API can only be used to crawl pages with either JobPosting or BroadcastEvent embedded in a VideoObject. To request quota beyond the initial default quota and gain approval to use the API for pages with JobPosting or BroadcastEvent markup, you can fill out this form. You’ll need to know the details of your project in the Google Cloud console. The quota may increase or decrease based on the document quality.
All use of the Indexing API is available without payment.
Forum discussion at X.