HubSpot unveils Breeze, its ‘complete AI solution’

HubSpot opened its Inbound conference today by unveiling Breeze, the AI powering its customer platform. “Until now, we haven’t seen a complete AI solution for businesses,” said Andy Pitre, EVP of product at HubSpot. “There are consumer AI solutions that are super accessible and give results in seconds, but they aren’t connected to your business…

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Use DAM and AI to keep up with content demands by Edna Chavira

Are you overwhelmed by the constant demand for new content? AI and Digital Asset Management (DAM) can be your secret weapons for keeping up with content demands and delivering exceptional digital experiences. Join us for Acquia’s upcoming webinar, Driving Brand Growth: Using DAM and AI to Keep Up With Content Demands. Our expert panel will…

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How brands are using AI in Meta’s Advantage+ campaigns

Fashion and beauty brands are often early tech adopters. Many are digital-native, forging tailored D2C digital strategies. And there are so many competitive brands that any innovation could give one an edge, especially as the busy holiday season approaches. Apparel and home decor retailer Tuckernuck, and beauty brand Kitsch, have adopted AI-powered tools in Meta’s…

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4 ways to achieve early wins with AI in marketing

Marketers are starting to think big about AI in marketing. Different organizations will take various routes to achieve their goals. Some will hire expensive consultants and embark on a massive AI transformation. Based on my experience watching companies undertake similar transformations, whether in agile marketing or digital transformation, this “big bang” approach is almost certainly…

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How to transform your website into a continuous marketing powerhouse

A company’s website is more than just an online storefront in today’s digital age. C-level executives must understand its potential as a dynamic, always-on marketing engine that drives engagement, nurtures leads and fuels business growth. Here’s how to transform your website into a powerful marketing engine using advanced martech solutions and smart operational strategies. Elevating…

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LinkedIn expands video ads, AI tools for B2B marketers

LinkedIn is rolling out new features to help B2B marketers build their brands and engage with its community of 1 billion professionals. Dig deeper: How to personalize your brand on LinkedIn The Wire Program. The first initiative is the addition of in-stream video ads alongside publisher content. A LinkedIn spokesperson told MarTech: “The Wire Program is available…

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