Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said that Bing Search treats 308 redirects the same as they treat 301 redirects. This is the same as what Google said <<a href="https://bloggerseo.com.ng/google-search-console-product-snippets-report-surge-again-likely-a-bug">a href="https://www.seroundtable.com/google-308-redirects-as-301-redirects-31732.html">back in 2021, although Google has been a bit wishy-washy on redirects over the years.
Fabrice Canel posted this on X in response to a question asked Linda Hogenes who wrote, “Does Bing(bot) treat permanent 308 redirects the same as a 301?”
Fabrice responded saying, “confirming again: Bing treats 308 redirects the same as 301 redirects.”
Here are those posts:
I accidentally deleted my reply, so confirming again: Bing treats 308 redirects the same as 301 redirects
— Fabrice Canel (@facan) September 6, 2024