Google Tests Local Five Pack (Up From 3 Pack)

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Google is once again testing showing five local results, a five-pack, instead of the typical 3 local results, a three-pack, in the search results local results section. Google tested this in 2021 and also had this for the SGE labs results and now it is being tested again.

Joy Hawkins spotted this and posted some screenshots on X – she wrote, “Whoa. Seeing 5-packs instead of 3-packs for some queries today.”

Here are her screenshots, I cannot replicate these – I see three local results, not five:

Google Local 5 Pack

As a reminder, the local results box is known as the three pack because it has shown 3 results since 2015 but we’ve seen Google recently test this five pack, also a two pack and a ten pack.

Forum discussion at X.

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