Marketers discuss what it takes to succeed with intent data

The pod.cast

Intent data comes in many flavors, including first-party and third-party data. It can help you optimize your content strategy and identify high-value prospects. 

But some of the vendors selling third-party intent data tend to over-promise on what it can do. Third-party intent data (like many types of data) can lack timeliness, accuracy and can misinterpret online activities as buying interest.

Marketers gathered at the fall 2024 MarTech Conference for a discussion of intent data — what it does well, where it struggles and where organizations are seeing success.

The discussion was led by Eric Dates, Head of Marketing at VComply and Liam Moroney, CEO of Storybook Marketing 

Among the topics Eric, Liam and the gang covered in the conversation:

1:10: There are several forms of intent, first-party, third-party and more.
4:10: What is the story the intent is telling?
7:00: How do you action on the information in intent data?
9:30: Do intent providers over-promise?
12:40: Where marketers have success with intent data.
15:10: How do you differentiate between late-stage intent signals and browsers?
20:42: Using intent signals to deliver value.
24:30: Transactional marketing is becoming out-dated.
26:29: Understanding what intent signals say about the buyer.
28:54: Understanding the value of the different types of intent signals.
35:03: Tips for using third-party intent data.
40:00 Should sales be involved in the process of intent data?

Dig deeper: The false allure of B2B intent data


The post Marketers discuss what it takes to succeed with intent data appeared first on MarTech.

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